Sunday, September 15, 2013

a walk in the park...

sometimes the universe appears to conspire against you: family members fall ill, your car gets keyed, you're evicted, your employers make increasingly antagonistic workload policies, you're afraid you're getting arthritis in your thumbs... in your weaker moments, as you're throwing temper tantrums and pity parties, you forget all the wonderful things about your lot: your book is in, an article was just accepted, you married a saint, your cat is the best ever, winter's over...

and sunday walks around the neighborhood are this nice:

 our clothes line

 random school yard art

 (not so) young lovers

 never to old for the swing set

 coolest self-portrait i've ever taken

north and south

 the north ainslie galahs

we walked all over in search of some hoops. no dice.

hello neighbor!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

more south durras...

otherwise known as paradise.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

south durras weekend wonders

we got away for the weekend... surfed, ate fish and chips, collected shells (for the first time in my life), cooked, watched the stars...

and walked. all day long, on the beach and stone. in the trees. 

and i took pictures.

of the ground.

i know i'm really only good for photo essays lately, but i think this time the subject is worth it. settle in - it's a long one. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

fall highlights

sun spots - best place for a sunday afternoon nap

 self-portrait, australian national gallery

 kp, at the hipster coffee bar in canberra

 on one of our umpteen trips to the sydney ikea. such an evil place.

 kp finishes the canberra 10k
(while lb sits in the park with her book)



Friday, April 26, 2013

a long winter's nap

winter is coming - the bush is going brown and the temperatures are dropping... we've pulled the down comforter back out and have started scouting soup recipes. shiraz is starting to sound good again. i'm even slower to get ready in the morning. and bob has put on his cold-weather fluff. he spends his days napping in sunny spots around the house.

i can't believe this marks the end of my fourth season in australia. it'll be a year in mid-may.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

canberra, the nation's capital

this year canberra is celebrating its 100th birthday as a city. 100 years. we celebrated by going to the balloon launch.