Wednesday, November 17, 2010


this past weekend - when we weren't out partying with j&j peden - i participated in a video installation project designed by my friend erin. the goal of the simultania project was to capture the same minute of experience all around the world, to visualize simultaneous realities and open up the individual experience to the possibility of its inherent multiplicity.

last saturday at 4pm universal time (or 10am in new orleans), over 500 people turned their cameras on... and soon, these videos will be brought together into one room for the spectator to witness all at once.

i decided to film my moment on the front porch, and a certain kitty didn't want to be left out...

(here is a link to my vimeo account, where i've uploaded the video... let's see if this works).

Monday, November 15, 2010

home improvement

knox and i have a great little place in new orleans, but it must be said, the kitchen and the bathroom are pretty lousy. small, dumpy looking, and severely lacking in storage. really, the cabinet and counter space is just pathetic, so shortly after moving in, we set about remedying the situation in the kitchen: the pegboard project!

(thank you, martha stewart, for your crafty genius!)

the supplies, strewn about in total disorder

we have to put the stud-finder away whenever knox is around - it won't stop beeping!

leslie gets her DYI fix

the final product

Monday, November 1, 2010

shadow and noise

a pile of wood

a walk through the french quarter

a glass of rosé

a pile of wood, a walk through the french quarter, and a glass of rosé - that's how i spent last sunday. normally i don't care much for the trucage that is so popular in photography right now. i appreciate the effects but don't use much or any of it on my own images (i do love to tweak the contrast, though, and occasionally cannot resist the sepia button, however cliché it might be). maybe i'm a purist or maybe i'm just lazy. but i'm often left wondering if a given image would stand up without all the saturation and whatnot...

these three shots, i can tell you, would not. they were all lousy - boring and terribly lit. but i do love me a good pile of wood. and after a few glasses of rosé, a backyard wine bar seems like a perfectly reasonable spot for a portrait... anyway, all three were destined for the virtual dustbin, so why not experiment a bit? over-expose. de-noise. hyper-saturate. it almost works.