Friday, April 13, 2012


the wait is over! now that i've re-discovered vimeo, i can finally bring you kp's anniversary serenade at the tangalooma resort on moreton island, oz! if only there was footage of our anniversary duet (george michael's "careless whisper") - now, that would be truly horrifying!

apologies in advance for my video shooting skills, which are crap. apologies also for not getting the number in its entirety. i was distracted by our very friendly and slightly intoxicated sand dune tour guide who wanted to congratulate me on marrying such a talented bloke!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

bob meets earl

as in, the earl harvin trio, my favorite texas jazz trio, who we've got on the hi-fi in this clip. i couldn't get the video to load (too long, maybe?) but it's just a short click away.

a typical sunday morning chez nous...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the finishing touch

our landlord is starting to show the place so i spent all last weekend cleaning up, top to bottom. i even cleaned the windows, which had not been done since we moved in! i always thought of myself as a clean person, but wow! those windows were filthy. i'd also let some pretty serious dust bunnies collect in the corners, and bob's favorite cushion on our sofa had a visible layer of cat hair on it (shedding kitty = cleaning nightmare). it was gratifying to have a really clean house at the end of all that work, and thrilling to answer my door monday afternoon to a flower delivery all the way from australia! the note said that a clean house deserved a finishing touch. so sweet. and so true. thank you, dear husband.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

march photo challenge: march 31


the living room, view from the couch. i'm not in this room very often, but when i am, i'm flipping through catalogs or playing on the internet. it's the only room in the house that gets good light. and good light is very relaxing, don't you think?