Saturday, March 3, 2012

march photo challenge: MARCH 1 & 2

we're only a few days into march, so i guess it's not officially spring yet... but that doesn't really matter here in new orleans since it was never actually winter. i know the warm temps and relentless humidity are probably doing great things for my poor little face, but i don't care. i'm over swamp life! seriously, i have never been so disappointed in a season in all my 36 (eek) years. it truly was a pathetic showing this year - i barely even got to wear my trench coat!

enough complaining though. i've decided to bid "winter" (ie, hoping for cool temps) good riddance with a new blog project. a friend of mine discovered this photo challenge designed by @fatmumslim and posts pics on facebook every day. it's such fun to see her creativity and perspective, i thought i'd give it a try.

so without further ado, it's the march photo challenge! (p.s., i'm already a few days behind...)

march 1: UP

this is a shot taken inside richard serra's vortex (2002) at the fort worth museum of modern art last christmas. kp and i go to fort worth a lot when we're in texas and we recently decided to start taking advantage of its exquisite collections (the stock yards AND the kimball - why would anyone even bother with dallas?). it's a treasure chest, a beautifully designed one at that!

march 2: FRUIT

another image from fort fun, this one of a favorite summer cocktail, "the lafayette." its brilliance lies in its simplicity: vodka, blood orange soda, lime. et voilĂ  - to summer!

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