Saturday, March 3, 2012

happy mardi gras!

"solid gold" and "savage" unicorn

well, it's our second (and final) mardi gras in new orleans, so we knew we had to do it right. and by do it right, i don't mean drink ourselves into oblivion (we stopped shy of oblivion, thank god) - i mean COSTUMES! kp and i are definitely not costume-lovers, but the mardi gras st. anne's parade is sacred. you either get dressed or you stay home.

the unicorn collective

he's a noise musician and she's a philosophy professor... only in new orleans

rainbow bright unicorn takes a pat o's hurricane break

a st. anne's giraffe!

stilettos on wheels. nice.

lamp shade on the head!

a yellow submarine?

the traveling drum circle


a friendly game of twister... why not?

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