this was a tough one: do i go with the wedding dress, my most favorite something i wore ever? the latest pair of my blue chuck taylors, which i've been wearing since i was 17? the black wool turtleneck that i wore 3-4 times a week when kp and i were in paris? so many choices! but when i saw this one, i knew i'd found it. what, you ask? those shades! those cheap-ass, barely darker than regular lenses, sorry-imitation-john-lenin shades that i. absolutely. loved. in fact, this may have been my favorite outfit in 2001: those fancy navy blue chucks, the black vietnamese-grandfather-pants i had made in hanoi, that vintage northside track shirt i got in a bin somewhere, the scarf, and those shades. top it all off with a disastrous pixie haircut that i insisted on getting in hanoi (and in vietnamese) and that was - believe it or not - *past* the really awkward stage here... and, well, i was rocking it. i have to laugh - it is so awesomely awful. andro-genius, if i do say so myself.
apparently there was a rumor back in big d that i'd joined a lesbian buddhist cult in vietnam - i know this image didn't do anything to assure the neighbors that i hadn't. i know it's wrong, but i sort of wish i had those glasses back (hey, at least i'm not wishing for that haircut!)
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