Saturday, June 27, 2015

great scot!

kp and i took joey on her first transcontinental holiday 13 weeks into my pregnancy (we couldn't have gotten luckier on the timing - i'd just gotten over the morning sickness). it was a working holiday - we started in edinburgh (the holiday part), then went on to aberdeen, london, oxford, and liverpool, where we were giving lectures and participating in conferences.

it was a lovely trip. kp tried haggis and sampled many glasses of scotch. lb declined both.


kp as john knox

 view from the edinburgh castle

on the road:

 st. andrews

 the scottish highlands



 kp at the goodenough club


 magdalen college

 lb (and baby joey) before her lecture


mathew street
a pilgrimage i would have liked to have made with my dad

 all the lonely people

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