Tuesday, November 3, 2015

los angeles, i'm yours

we spent the last week of our US trip in LA with family and friends... the traffic was just as horrendous as we remembered it, and the sunshine just as sweet. hit a bunch of old haunts, caught up with a bunch of good people. lb cried as the plane took off for oz. such a sap, that one.

 chez les cousins - kk shows me the magic of dancing fingers (M was transfixed!)

yrl library, ucla
my book is on this aisle

here's what M thought of my book

sweetest second cousins!

manhattan beach

 when your old friends meet your new baby... 

 ...and some of them have babies of their own...

 with grins like this! it just melts your heart.

 baby's first beach

 papa's first pair of birdwell breaches

 beach family portrait

groups selfies with babies... you take what you can get.

santa monica, our old pad

the adamson house, just a few days before our 9th anniversary

sydney-canberra: the last leg, with baby on her last legs

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