finally a moment to breathe here in new orleans... more on the new digs and the new job soon enough, but in the meantime, i've got a pile of images to share from our epic road journey. according to our calculations and the deliriously silly road journal we keep, we spent 7 10-hour days in the pathfinder over the course of our 2-week trip: dallas, new orleans, dallas, albuquerque, l.a., flagstaff, albuquerque, dallas, new orleans. i won't lie: it's a miracle we didn't strangle each other.
our first destination: new orleans. the apartment hunt.
day 1: leaving east dallas
mansfield, la
site of the last confederate victory during the civil war
and the first of many road picnics
the civil war diorama was pretty groovy

even groovier was this old portrait (look like anybody you know?)

day 2: we hadn't been in new orleans for 24 hours before we had our first po-boy
fried green tomatoes, oh how i've missed you!
day 3: we found a place after 2 grueling days, over 20 appointments, and only 1 melt down
it's a 5-minute walk from my office and it's green!
once we'd settled on place in new orleans, we headed back to big d... and straight to the pool with our nephews!

day 5: sam finds a pair of pretty pink flippers
on the road again, this time headed west. we stayed a night in albuquerque with some friends (and some of their feline friends)... but we were only there long enough to refuel and wash off the "road stink," as knox calls it, before we were back out on the road.

day 7: "is breakfast ready?"

headed west
still headed west
we spent 2 short days in l.a. - mostly packing and dealing with UC administration (i still can't decide which was more exhausting) though we did make time to drop in on our old landlords in santa monica and hit up the trader joe's.
day 9: met up with the big, yellow chicken back in our old 'hood

finally stopped for coffee at rae's diner on pico
day 10: our lovely hostess
after we got all our worldly possessions packed up in the mack truck we'd hired to move for us (broke only 1 bowl in the move), kp decided we were due for a little R&R. so he booked us the "presidential suite" at the classiest roadside motel in flagstaff, AZ (jacuzzi tub IN the bedroom, y'all - this was no joke), and we finally saw the grand canyon.

day 11: this is what it feels like to write a dissertation
and this is what it feels like to finish a dissertation
no time to linger, sadly, but we were both pretty impressed with that great big hole in the ground. imagine what the light does to it as the sun sets... i guess we'll just have to go back some day.
day 13: anytown, west texas
(if i never drive through west texas again...)
day 15: luscious louisiana
day 16: home sweet home
(did i mention we live around the corner from a snow cone shop?)
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