Wednesday, March 31, 2010

W is for WALT! and washington state

spring break this year found me traveling to texas and washington - a bit of business, a bit of pleasure... i got to hang out with my mom, play with my nephews, see a bunch of family, stuff my face with tex-mex, rock out with the w-g's, talk about linda lê, chat with my favorite vietnamese teacher... all ingredients for a pretty fantastic trip.

first stop, big D:

this is walt's magnadoodle portrait of uncle knox. i think it's awesome!

snack time at the straughn's - sam and harry take this part of the day very seriously!

walt-man, who turns 5 today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WALT!

next stop, seattle and chez w-g! they fed me fajitas, sammies, and coffee, let me sleep in their living room, gave me rides to campus... friday night was also dance party night (the w-g dance party mix is very similar to the one k&i have going). bref, it was a good time.

hazel did my hair for dinner friday night and then took the picture - she's 6 and totally awesome

this is from the "specters of hazel" series (i think she is rocking out to lady gaga here)

specters of hazel, 2

dance party, self-portrait with nora - she was game for the pic but really just wanted to get back out on the dance floor

but as much as i could've spent the whole weekend hanging with honsdawg, i did have some conferencing to do... (no pictures of the actual conference, though i must say, the room we were in was amazing).

cherry blossoms on uw's campus - who could get any work done here??

with the ever adorable cn on uw's campus

the view from our conference host's home in seattle

mt. rainier

planetary coolness

i would say the only negative of this trip was the fact that i have apparently racked up some pretty lousy flight kharma. first flight cancelled due to crazy winds in paris (combined with a broken RER - i was NOT a happy camper); second attempt to leave paris was delayed 4 hours for lack of crew; seattle-dallas flight was delayed 4 hours for lack of plane; dallas-london delayed for 2 hours due to thunderstorms; london-paris delayed 30 minutes just because... it was a great trip but i'm happy to know that there are no more flights in my immediate future!

flight delay # 4, reason: thunderstorms over dallas

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