Thursday, October 29, 2009

N is for north carolina! (and for missing summer)

N was originally meant to be for nutella... but i'm trying to quit. instead, i offer a couple of photos from our weekend in north carolina this summer. we had a wonderful time - ate barbecue, went hiking, watched some old friends get married. we even had a back-waters "we look like city folk, we'll never make it out of here" moment driving through south carolina on our way back to atlanta (so embarrassing - there was a local parked on a motorbike in front of a closed gas station... we asked directions... he spooked us... i'm pretty sure i heard our tires squeal as we burned out of there. so embarrassing, yes, but have you seen deliverance??)

the one patch of blue sky i think we got all weekend

knox takes the camera, undoubtedly inspired by caspar david friedrich

pre-wedding hike

the beginnings of a blue ridge fall?

i want that truck. more importantly, i want the barbecued pork sandwich i was eating when i saw that truck.

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