Thursday, January 22, 2009


so, monday at the library: i'm staring at my cursor, humming the theme song to "sanford and son" inside my head (don't ask - it's a mystery)... when it hits me: i am not wasting enough time on my blog! hours later, knox introduces me (virtually) to nina, a british gal who keeps a much hipper blog than i do.... i'm pretty sure knox has a geek-crush on her, but that's okay. she's smart. and she does the most fab alphabetical entries on all sorts of random things.

it's an abécédaire, as they say here. you know, a picture alphabet! "A is for alamo, B is for bloated..." (which, given the amount of cheese i've been eating lately, would not be so terribly hard to capture in image form!)

so this next installment, which will be 26 posts in all, goes out to knox, redd foxx, and nina. my cursor will mock me no more! stay tuned for entry numéro un: A is for arc.

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