not much to say about the six days of mad packing that served as the intermission to our six-week summer vacation... except that it was nuts. unpacking from two months in viet nam, packing for a year in paris, a road trip, and a week at the beach, and boxing up the rest to put into storage... all this while still essentially unable to construct a coherent thought... honestly, it is nothing short of a miracle that knox and i made it to paris with underwear! i would not have been surprised to open my suitcase here to discover it filled with sheets, cutlery, or our george foreman grill.
we packed for almost one solid week much to the dismay of bob the cat, who wanted nothing to do with any of it. he knew something was up, probably knew it involved his riding in a car (cats, i have learned, do NOT like to road trip), and attempted to escape by blending in to his surroundings...
many of you already know that bob's favorite song is "twinkle twinkle little star" and that he comes running whenever he hears it. he really does - it's incredible. but not this time. he's not so easily duped! it broke our hearts to take him out of his little kitty eden, but it had to be done.
1 comment:
Yo!! Pedens!! What's the haps in Pareee? Looks like you guys made it safe and had a fun time along the way..
the camping site post with the prison and the trains was hysterical.. only b/c I kept thinking of both of you going agro every time the train went by, and there was no one to send mean emails to.. and I was a bit confused by the porn studio.. that will have to be explained better..
All is well here in Samo.. I had father's office last night.. and couldn't help but wish you guys were around to join..
I hope Paris is treating you both well... the pictures are amazing..
Knox, have you been watching the Boys?? They're not looking too good without Romo.. I think we are toast against the Giants tomorrow..
But we'll see...
Glad to hear you guys are well.. thanks for the shout out in the packing post.. and drop me a line some time soon...
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