we were given a list of things to buy and/or photograph: black sticky rice yogurt, mung bean cakes, a t-shirt with uncle hô's face on it... divided into groups of three, we hit the town running. and two hours later, we were still running! it was insane. unlike archery, which i still hate, the scavenger hunt brought out the competitive side of me (surprise surprise), and i got really into it. so into it that i hardly noticed how disgustingly filthy i'd become until i sank into my plastic chair at the bia hoi at the end of day - exhausted but victorious! that's right friends, we won. the prize was team vietnam jerseys, though i've been told not to wear mine in orange county. bad politics!
disclaimer: i hate my digital camera. i can't figure out how to control the focal points and apparently my hands shake so bad that i can't ever take a clear pic without the flash. so i apologize now for all the slightly blurry pics posted on this blog. one of two things is happening here: either i'm a complete idiot or it's time for a new digital camera.
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