Monday, July 9, 2012

a walk in the park

once upon time, before they realized just how much work they had to do before the move to canberra (which happens this coming weekend), kp and lb took a long walk in the park. now all they do is sit in front of their computers, eating takeout and fretting about francophonie and french spinozism (and uploading pictures onto blogger, of course. deadlines are second only to professional dissatisfaction when it comes to motivating fravina posts!)

new farm park: this land used to be a farm where they grew food for the brisbane river convict settlement. now it's where we buy our organic apples!

the end.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

observations, 3

"those are the money beets" 
-dwight k. schrute

i'm in serious procrastination mode... so a few more observations for you...

on food and drink:
the food here is amazing. so far i've eaten the best tabouli, the best lamb dish, and the best spaghetti carbonara i've ever had. not kidding. also, they put american coffee to shame. the on-campus coffee joint tops any coffee i've had in the states. they find american drip to be an abomination (and i think they may be right).

but let's talk about hamburgers. as you may know, kp is a burger aficionado. he can take you for the best burgers in multiple cities around the world, can himself whip up one of the tastiest burgers you'll ever eat, and occasionally talks of writing a burger book (you know, if the whole academic thing doesn't pan out). so naturally, after almost 10 years together, i've also become a bit of a burger connoisseur. i have my idea of the perfect burger, anyway: everything, hold the mayo. the french have their version: add an egg, knife and fork it. and so do the australians. mcdonald's is currently running an olympics-themed commercial where two blokes imagine the perfect aussie burger: australian beef, bacon (they call it bacon, but it's really a slab of fried ham), beet, pineapple, and "cheeky" barbecue sauce.

i've recently come to love beets, but pineapple and barbecue sauce?? no thanks. and yet, every time i see this commercial, i'm tempted to run out to "maccas" and try one. i think it may be essential to my cultural experience in australia, just as public transportation strikes were part of my cultural experience in france. it just won't be authentic till we sample the perfect aussie burger!

Monday, July 2, 2012

the daily commute

a glimpse of our daily drive to work... traversing the central business district on a really gorgeous day.