hello, bonjour, chao cac ban! this is my first entry on my brand new blog! my very clever husband knox suggested that i start one up to keep friends and family posted on summer travel experiences. and since i'm always looking for new ways to procrastinate... le voilĂ !
now, i haven't actually left the country and have nothing to report at this point. really, the only challenge faced to date on this here blog is whether to capitalize. it truly is a thorny problem, because as anyone who's ever received an email, greeting card, or nasty note from me can vouch, i don't do it unless... well really, unless i'm getting a grade. thought it would be a fun experiment about 10 years ago, and it stuck. knox has just informed me that though it is affected, it isn't totally obnoxious. so, i'm going with the no caps for now, but stay tuned...
anyway, i just thought i'd give this posting thing a whirl while i still have knox nearby to solve all problems tech (yikes, i'm in trouble!)
i bought this book at barnes & noble last week. it says very dismal things about the state of my vietnamese... i mean, really, i should know how to say "that is a dirty train" and "your socks are next to the telephone" by now. it's pathetic. but never fear, i've got a flight from l.a. to saigon coming up (what is that, 12 hours??!) - i plan to rock some serious flash cards in between movies!